Abd El-Rahman Abd-ElRaouf Abd El-Rahman
Affiliation Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AENRI)
Department Crop Handling and Processing
Research Field Agricultural Engineering(Crop Handling and Processing)
E-mail address bdo-A2000@hotmail.com
Work Telephones 3375853

Scientific Progress
Chief Researcher in Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AENRI) [18/09/2013]
Senior Researcher in Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AENRI) [27/06/2007]
Researcher in Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AENRI) [27/06/2002]
Assistant Researcher in Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AENRI) [05/08/1999]
Agricultural Engineer in Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AENRI) [19/11/1992]
- Coupling Between Laser Irradiation and TiO2 Nanoparticles on Efficient Decontamination of Some Pesticide's Residues from Orange and Tomato Puree (2021)
- A laser reflection method to detect strawberry fruit defects (2021)
- Resistance of white mango scale by pesticide spraying using a mist blower and the effect of spraying process on fruit quality (2021)
- Ultraviolet Effect on Faba Bean Seed Quality During Storage (2020)
- Novel postharvest management using laser irradiation to maintain the quality of strawberry (2020)
- Effect of gamma radiation on oil quality of dried mint leaves (2020)
- Modification of the solitary reeling Japanese mahine to use multi reelin machine with different silk filament types. (2005)
- Development of cutting knives in preparing grapevines for grafting machine. (2005)
- Development of the manual solitary reeling Japanese machine for reeling the mulberry Silkworm Bombyx Mori L. Cocoons. (2004)
- Performance improvement of an American machine for grapevines grarting under Egyption conditions. (2004)
- Development a thresher for wheat crop of beater type for maximum production. (2004)
- A laser optical method for measuring some physical properties and infierence surface areea equation of faba bean. (2004)
- Improving of performance sulfurous acid production in industry (2003)
- The parameters affecting on the performance of corn steeping unit in industerial. (2003)
- Classification of tomato fruits using color image analysis technique. (2003)
- Expectant production of biogas and fertilizer from different residues fermentation using biogas unit. (2003)